It may not seem like a lot to some, it may seem excessive to others, but to me, it was a milestone in my life.
A little over a year ago today, I had shin splints from skiing and they were extremely painful so I didn't run.
Two years ago today, I was in the midst of a gut-wrenching divorce from my husband of nine years, and the thought of running rarely crossed my mind.
Five years ago today, I was pregnant with my third child and my ex-husband had just begun yet another addiction, this time to painkillers. My exercise was taking care of the house, the children, and him while maintaining a hold on my sanity.
Ten years ago today, I was newly married and pregnant with my second child in our new home. My exercise consisted of walking the dog a few times a week.
And fourteen years ago today, I was a single mom taking care of my newborn son. Exercise was the last thing on my mind.
But I ran 20 miles today, and I feel great!
What a difference a year makes!
I began training for my first half marathon as soon as my shin splints healed and in that time, just one year so far, so many positive things have happened to me. I have come to realize that three of my best decisions in this life were: having my children, getting divorced, and starting to run.
Running has opened many doors into not only my own journey of self-improvement and reflection, but also into the world of being social and happy with my life.
Since I began running, I have lost over twelve pounds of stubborn body fat and three inches off of my waist. My BMI has decreased by three points.
I grew up with body issues and I used to look away from my reflection in windows and mirrors, but now I can’t resist taking a peek at my legs whenever I pass by any reflective surface. My brother laughs at me when I call them “my girls,” but I can’t help it.
I can’t believe how far I can go with “my girls.”
I have dropped two pant sizes and a full shirt size. My foot size has increased slightly, but I consider it a small price to pay for the incredible journeys my feet take me on.
I have been able to discontinue the medicine prescribed for anxiety after the divorce, because the rush of endorphins that comes with a run stays with me in my daily life. I have so much energy that my friends sometimes accuse me of being hyperactive.
They may be right, but I just want to take advantage of as much as I can in this lifetime, and I am incredibly grateful to have been given a second chance to truly live.
I smile at people, and people smile back at me. I feel so positive that I want to share those positive feelings with everyone. I believe you get what you give- and by sharing a smile or a happy thought with someone, I in turn feel happy.
My children benefit from me being less stressed, and I have more energy for them. We are currently in the process of planning our first family vacation since the divorce. I can’t wait!
I have achieved most of my educational goals, and I have decided to go back to school this fall for another certification. After that, who knows? There’s no limit to what I can do if I put my mind to it.
I am running my life with joy and hope, faith and love. I love life, every single moment of it, good and not so good, and I love all of the friends and family members who enrich my life in so many ways.
My first full marathon is just two months away. I have sweated, iced, and stretched for many months in preparation and I know I am ready for it.
I ran 20 miles today.
In two weeks, I will be logging 23 miles.
I can’t wait.
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